Tuesday 22 October 2013

Contents Page Deconstruction

Contents Page Deconstruction

The masthead on this NME contents page is at the top of the page. They have used a large mast head which may be done to help establish a brand identity and reinforce their chosen colour scheme. Below the mast head is the date of the issue which has been done to link the contents of the magazine to the current date as a few of the items in the contents are news items. There's also a small news article below the masthead and an image that is relevant to the small news article. The small news article is a brief summary of the music news of that month. NME have used a colour scheme which is related to their masthead (magazine logo). They chose the colours of red, black and white which are the prominent colours throughout and are also the colours used on their masthead (magazine logo). NME could be using this scheme to create a brand identity. The contents page also shows where the items are in the magazine that were advertised on the cover page.

This contents page for Q magazine goes across two pages. This contents page has a large masthead which in relation to the colour scheme of the font creates a brand identity for the magazine which is similar to the style of the NME contents page. In contrast this contents page does not have an index to indicate which band is mentioned. This magazine contains numerous images which relate to the contents of the magazine this further advertises the magazines contents and gives the reader a preview of what articles to expect in the magazine. In contrast to the NME contents page, the text on this double spread contents page next to each image is the page number which the image is referencing which can help the reader find the article they wish to read quickly. This contents page has also positioned information to the side of the page which supplies audience with information on what the magazine contains. Also because of the great amount of text, the audience feel as if they are being provided with a high quantity and quality of text. The information has been separated into various sections which shows that the audience that the magazine contains more than any generic magazine's trait. The content has a paragraph of information following which provides the audience with more information on what they can expect to see on this particular page in the same way as the NME contents page.

This contents page for Q magazine is only on one page which is a different design to the previous Q magazine contents page. This contents page has a masthead in the same way that the previous Q magazine and NME magazine has which also has the effect of establishing a brand identity. This contents page also does not have an index to indicate which page each band it mentioned and instead has the bands noted next to the page number is similarity with the previous Q magazine contents page. This contents page only has two images which relate to the contents of the magazine which is significantly less than the previous Q magazine contents page but shares this feature with NME. The sell lines are advertisements of the music genre in general unlike other magazines, for instance NME who tend to use band names as sell lines. This will be to appeal to the target audience of pop/rock music fans in contrast to the only rock fan target audience of NME. The sell lines can draw in readers from other genres by some of the general things they advertise in music therefore creating a wider audience for the magazine. The composition is very effective. Placing the contents list on the left side is effective because people naturally read from left to right. The main image is placed off to the right and it doesn’t take the attention off the page as a whole, so attention can still be paid to the important articles. However it does imply that a main section of the article will be based on the band in the main image. Therefore fans of the band will be more interested in reading. There is also a small-boxed advertisement at the bottom of the page about q’s own personal music review. This is possibly small because it may feature often yet is still necessary on the cover as it is a main attraction to the magazine.

Preliminary Task Front Cover and Contents

For my preliminary task, I designed a student magazine front cover and contents page based on the previous research which I had conducted. I tried to follow the design of my flat plans as much as I could, however changed minor details where I felt necessary. I created these preliminary tasks in Microsoft Publisher.
The contents page follows the basic design of a magazine cover. The masthead is located at the top of the page and goes well with the consistent red/white colour scheme I chose. The lighting is also not great on the main image and it does contrast with the rest of the colours being used. The red/white colour scheme is attention grabbing as I intended. The sell lines offer minor details about the article contents, however do not offer enough to attract the reader and grab their attention.

For the contents page, I opted for the same colour scheme of red font and white background. In my own opinion, this colour scheme is very plain and cheap, despite it's consistency. The layout does not work well as it isn't make best use of the space of the page. The actual contents of the magazine is very breif and looks more like a badly designed leaflet than a magazine. The sub-headings give very vague ideas about the articles, however more specific sub-text may be required underneath each sub-heading. I am however pleased with images on this page as the lighting as bright and vibrant.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Inspirational Texts

I have been doing some initial research into the typed of music/artists I would put into my magazine. Here is a selection of videos....

Thursday 10 October 2013

Preliminary Task Flat Plans

In my font cover flat plan I planned my main image as the size of the front cover to attract as much attention to the main image as possible. The coverlines I will use will go over the main image however the main image will overlap the masthead.
My front page coverlines will be at the top and bottom of the magazine. I chose to do this to not distract attention from the main cover image.
My masthead will be placed at the top left corner of the front cover. I chose to do this to re-emphasise the main image and main cover line as I believe the masthead isn't as important for reaching my audience. My main image will be able to overlap the masthead of my magazine cover.
The essential information will be in the bottom right corner of my front cover. I chose to do this because I do not want the essential information to distract from the magazine's coverlines.


In my contents flat plan I placed a masthead at the top left corner to help create a brand identity and to help create a good aesthetic for the contents page. I have placed an image next to all the contents items. Each image will be related to each contents item to again help with the overall aesthetic of the contents page.