Thursday 13 March 2014

Colour Palette

This is my favourite colour scheme. The dark tones will reflect the serious tone of my music magazine. The first colour is pure black which will be used for text on a white background and will be the most prominent colour used in the magazine. Black will also be occasionally used as a background especially when I use black and whit pictures. I aim to blend any black and white images into a black background. The middle colour (dark grey) can be potentially used for titles of articles to add variance to the typical black colour scheme for text. The last colour (light grey) can be used as a background or boarder on the contents page of the magazine.

This colour scheme is similar to the previous colour scheme just with a red tint to the lighter colours. I have kept black in the colour scheme as I would use it for text also if I was to choose this palette. The second colour is an unusual colour which is a dark shade. I would consider using this colour for backgrounds or the title  of articles when on a white background. The lightest shade on this palette is just a even lighter shade of the previous colour. I don't particularly like this colour as it would only be of any use for a background colour.

This colour scheme uses shades of blue as well as black which would again be used for text and background with this colour scheme. The second colour in this palette (dark blue) is one of the best colours used on any of the palette in my opinion. I 'd use the dark blue for articles with the lighter blue shade being used as the article title. The lighter blue shade would only be used for article titles.
This palette uses shades of a turquoise blue as well as again containing black for text and background use. I don't particularly like this colour scheme and I think it's unlikely that I will use it. The darker shade of turquoise would be a good boarder for the pages of the magazine if the whole colour scheme for the magazine was shades of blue and turquoise. The lighter shade of turquoise would be used for article titles on a black background.

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